Sunday, January 19, 2014

Spiritual Level: 3.5

It was Sunday Funday! Today was an amazing day at our church. From the worship songs, to the extremely personal message from our most awesome pastor, God was so present you could taste it. Well ok, not taste it. But if God had a flavor, it'd be chocolate. Anyhoo...
T and I had an awesome time at church and then we had an equally great time at our LifePack tonight. It's a wonderful group of friends that can get together and laugh, eat, talk about the message, and laugh more. It was a fun time. We get home and the girls are waiting on T to read them their nightly Bible story. They read one every single night out of their "Beginner's Bible" and they look forward to that special time with Daddy. Lately, we've added a family prayer time. The AKPs enjoy us praying as a family rather than one on one tucking them into bed. T read their story to them and after some good snuggles we were ready for family prayer. I'm feeling very blessed and looking for some really thought provoking prayers and thank yous to God for all he's done. It starts off with akp, the youngest.

"Dear God, thank you for food and drinks. Thank you for a house for us to live in.... so we don't have to sleep outside and have dogs pee on us."

And there it went.

The spiritual level went from a solid 7 to a 3.5 in mere seconds.

Only her.

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