Friday, January 31, 2014

Here we go again...

I mean, really?!? Let me set the scene for today (it looks like the last blogpost, minus the puking): I'm finally recuperating from the virus from Hell. I took a shower. Yesterday. I'm wearing Christmas tree fleece pj pants and a white tshirt. And no bra. I mean, its a snow day. Who wears a bra on a snow day? Anyhoo... I feel like mother of the year because I cooked bacon and eggs for the AKPs for breakfast. I even had coffee today. Win. We're on movie #3 of the day and haven't done a single productive thing. Little akp turns on Strawberry Shortcake "Cherry Jam" which is in fact, her jam. She goes to put on her favorite dance costume to dance along with her movie. No biggie. Then someone knocks at the door. *Please be the mailman that knocks and then walks away*
I open the door, obviously forgetting that I'm wearing a white tshirt and no bra, let alone my Christmas tree pajama pants. Beside me stands my four year old in a sleeveless dance costume, fully exposed to the 32 degree weather. There stands a nice young fellow with a hunter green jacket that reads TERMINIX. Well, shiz.
Terminix Guy: Good morning.
Me: Hi. *painful look*
TG: Did you not know I was coming today?
Me: (*Does it look like I'm dressed for company?!*) Well, I may or may not have checked that voicemail.
TG: Ok, I can treat the outside and give you a minute.
Me: Alright girls, we need to clean up! Quick!
TG: *laughs*

Why. Why can't I have those snow days like my FB friends have? Their kids sipping hot cocoa by the fire ,(well, we don't have a fire place, scratch that one) playing board games, building snowmen with actual bodies...

Oh well. I guess I'll try and get my act together today. I'll start with a shower. And a bra. Just in case...

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