Sunday, April 13, 2014

There's no title. Just look what I made!

So this is a milestone, for many reasons. This is the first project that I successfully completed, from beginning to end, in one week. Never mind the fact I've had this piece for years with full intentions of redoing it. When the hyper-focus and motivation kicked in we got it done. We bought all the paint and supplies last week and this week its done. Spring Break '14 was a success! This is also the first project that my husband and I have done TOGETHER that we didn't argue over something. We agreed on color schemes and design and worked so well together. See, we have a very Lucy/Ricky relationship. Except T doesn't have a Cuban accent so it's not near as cute when he gets on to me. But in every way I'm like Lucille Ball. There have even been actual life events where I've stuffed chocolate in my mouth and down my bra. I digress. 
This was a laminate particle board computer desk. I bought it from a friend for $30 to use as my craft desk. This is where the magic happens, folks. This old piece has seen many a hair bow and heard several hot glue-gun induced cuss words. With the help and motivation of two talented, (and selfless) gals from my LifePack, we got inspired to do this piece and an entertainment center revamp (coming in a few days). I can now sit and piddle at my craft desk and be inspired. Inspired that if I really concentrate and focus on something, I really can do it. And T and I have found that we really enjoy refinishing furniture together. Who knew? 

Peace, Love and DIY 

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